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Wednesday 17 February 2016

Situation update

I've been quite ill recently from the pain and stress experiments. Unable to do my work, I'm having to use amphetamines to control pain and push myself to be able to work. I'm really ill, the snotty nose won't go, I've come down with a cold from it. Mi6 keep letting the peadophile ring into my room, they wobbled my tooth, put a burning agent on my face and raped me, I'm pro lapsing now, I'm worried younger has ordered them to give me hiv.

But there is good news...

Claire struck a blow for us in the Phoenix net though, all of London now knows the truth about me and it's looking to go global, it looks like people were making me out to be some cleptomainiac zooaphile who is quite unpleasant. Needless to say far from the truth. It's good the truth is out there now. I might start writing one of my short story's from my life about this for you guys, I was thinking of calling it 'the story of a plan man and his guardian Angels'. It will be a good read, she did me proud, she stuck to my tactics exactly....Damion

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